The Kestner Blog: Week 1

This will be my first update on my progress and journey through coding.

I can say this first week was different than what I expected. Jumping into learning Github was interesting and even confusing at times. Although the workflow of being able to separate your changes and review them does seem like something that would be very useful in a work or even learning environment.

I think what I am most eager to learn more about is how this all connects together. The most exciting part about learning is getting to the point where everything just comes together finally. This doesn’t mean the journey there isn’t as important but learning about Github has given me a glimpse into part of the workflow that would be expected. So I look forward how this connects with other aspects of coding that we plan to learn.

Well to start, I’ve never written a blog about myself before. I wouldn’t call myself a private person but I usually only share with people that I am close with but there is a first time for everything! My Name is Zachary Kestner but I go by either Zac or Kestner. A lot of the time it’s Kestner due to the amount of other Zac’s I’ve encountered in my life. I’m going by Kestner in this bootcamp for the same reason but honestly kinda prefer being called Kestner. Fun fact I went by Kestner all of my high school life since there was 3 other Zac’s in my graduating class of only 49 people. Funny enough, one of them even had the same birthday as me.

Look at us